
not like ice melting, more like electricity connecting

my foray into the indie web has left me realizing i'd made a very false assumption, without ever consciously thinking about it.

for years i'd known that i was letting a distance grow between me and others (for one reason or another), but it wasn't until lately that i'd had the will and motivation to do anything about it. so here i've been, fearing how uncomfortable and awkward it'll be to go through the motions again as i melt my long-iced-over heart, how maybe part of my feelings just died and i wont ever get them back even.

but i was so gloriously wrong.

i read peoples websites, their comments, their blog posts, and i find myself laughing, crying, feeling a warmth in my heart again. suddenly, like a static shock when brushing hands. an unexpected connection clearing a little more fog from my brain.

what a lovely miscalculation to make.

thank you so much for having me. i'm glad to be back.

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